Greg L Bahnsen
In John 17:17, our Lord clearly said that God’s ‘Word is truth’. He didn’t say that it is true, but that it is truth itself: it is the very definition or standard by which all other truth claims are to be measured. Based on this, then, it seems obvious that Christians should value all that God values, and judge what is good by the standard of what God says is good. And God says that His Law is good!
New Testament Christians talk about the Law of God, and we know that the Old Testament Ceremonial and Civil Laws have passed away, but what about God’s Moral Law? He morality changed over the course of human history? Has God changed His mind?
We serve a loving God Who has equipped us with everything we need to live happy and fulfilling lives. In this book, Greg Bahnsen argues convincingly that part of this requires society to choose to obey God. It is a choice between God’s Law and chaos, God’s Law and tyranny, and a choice between God’s Law and God’s Judgement.