Michael Barratt; Joel Beeke; Jerry Bilkes; Paul Smalley
Joel Beeke said that to the Puritans, daily family worship was as essential to life as air or water. He wrote that Richard Baxter said that “a Christian family… is church, a society of Christians combined for the better worshipping and serving God”, and that similarly, William Perkins wrote of the goal we should all set before us: “These families wherein this service of God is performed are, as it were, little churches, yea even a kind of Paradise upon Earth.” Beeke continued, [the Puritans] “encourage us to view family worship not as a dutiful burden, but as a joyous delight- a taste of heaven on earth.”
In our busy family, this little book- the Family Worship Bible Guide– has made family worship efficient and productive. Each day, we sing, read a chapter of the Bible plus the rich, devotional thoughts on that chapter from this book, chat about it, and then we pray.
We recommend this book to every family!